Australia's Golden Outback 2024 Holiday Planner
At a Glance
TOP ATTRACTIONS Toapin Weir / Nookaminnie Rock Nature Reserve / Quairading Railway Museum / Rabbit Proof Fence / El Toro WILDFLOWERS TO DISCOVER Banksia Cuneata (Matchstick Banksia) / Donkey Orchid / Spider Orchid / Everlastings
Toapin Weir
Albert Facey Homestead
QUAIRADING 167km from Perth
lies 3km west of town on the York Quairading Road. The heart of the reserve is dominated by Nookaminnie Rock, which is a large granite outcrop with magnificent views of the surrounding landscape and the town of Quairading. The top of Nookaminnie Rock offers a perfect platform to watch the Wheatbelt’s breathtaking sunsets and in spring you can enjoy some of the most beautiful wildflowers the Wheatbelt has to offer. Marked walk trails provide easy and safe access to the reserve. Rabbit Proof Fence The Rabbit Proof Fence is the longest fence in the world! Two re-created examples of the fence and rabbit traps are located south of Quairading on the Corrigin Road. There are three fences in Western Australia: the original No. 1 Fence crosses the state from north to south, No. 2 Fence is smaller and further west, and No. 3 Fence is smaller still and runs east– west. The fences took six years to build. When completed in 1907, the rabbit proof fences (including all three) stretched 3,237km (2,023 miles). The
Q uairading is a beautiful town east of Perth on the York-Quairading Road. This vibrant community has a population of about 1,200 and a strong agricultural industry, producing cereal and grain crops, forestry, wool, sheep and cattle, supported by rural service industries. PLACES TO VISIT Toapin Weir The largest and most comprehensive privately constructed reservoir and water scheme in Western Australia, this picturesque area boasts spectacular views, an electric barbecue and toilet facilities. El Toro El Toro is a major artistic attraction in town — a sculpture crafted by the world-renowned metal sculptor based in WA. Jordan Sprigg’s attention to detail and regional WA craftsmanship along with his obvious passion, all contribute to El Toro magnificently displaying his collection of time-worn scrap iron that is catching the eyes and hearts of locals and visitors alike in this small rural town. Quairading proudly aligns itself with many traits of the bull that El Toro resembles. El Toro is on public display in Quairading, outside the Quairading Town Hall. Nookaminnie Rock Nature Reserve The Nookaminnie Rock Nature Reserve nestled in the Central Wheatbelt of Western Australia, just 167km
cost to build the fences at the time was about £167 per mile ($250/km) which totals just over $800,000. Kwirrading Koort Completed in August 2023, the new community park and adventure playground is a must-see Wheatbelt attraction. The playground features equipment for all ages, water play, vast lawn areas, barbecue facilities, and plenty of seating and tables for visitors. Quairading Caravan Park Need somewhere to stay? Book into the Quairading Caravan Park! There are two-bedroom self-contained cabins as well as single rooms, powered/ unpowered caravan sites and camping options available. Book online at or call 0438 213 042.
Everlastings within the Nookaminnie Rock Nature Reserve
Quairading Town Hall and El Toro Sculpture | The Wheatbelt | 77
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